Friday, January 22, 2010

Return Of The Super Seniors

Anyonghaeseyo!Its been too long since i've wrote my last post.Lately there were so much going on in my life..whether it involves myself or the people around.No worries,i do miss this blog where i mostly shared everything and tonight i decided to post something new.

Event:going back to Le'Best
Partner in crime:Wa Malina

                            Right.I've known my school is going to held its annual Rally Desa weeks ago.At first,i really wanted to go.On Sunday,suddenly something came up which had turned my mood around for quiet some time and i decided its a NO! for this Thursday (21st Jan).After a few days of full recovery (its a Boys Over Flowers marathon on my computer and tv 24 hours/support from my girlfriends) i suddenly hesitated to go to school that very night.Thank goodness my mom agreed to take me and Wa (Dina couldn't go) to school.After arriving at aspuri,we were mobbed by Mirah,Bella,Tqah,Eja and many more.Boy!It really feels like i'm actually a student again there.We settled in an empty dorm which was fully packed with us,The Super Seniors (HAHA).Then i make a visit to my old dorm which i've had stayed there for 5 consecutive years,gossiping with my juniors and attend the Alpha meeting to boost their spirits up.After that,its time to catch up with The Super Seniors.We talked so much until 2.30 a.m!Haha,Nina brought her laptop and we watched Over Her Dead Body,Saw (didn't know which one) and 2012.There were 20 girls squezzing eachother wheter to watch the movie or sleep!Wa on the other hand,didn't sleep at all,busy accompany Has watching Boys Over Flowers.No suprise!

                            In the morning,get dressed and head to work.Not actually,haha..more like helping the teachers la..Me,Wa,Perry and Mira helped Cg Dell at the last check point.Beta won this year,Alpha second,Lambda third and Sigma last.Here are some photos that i think,well..could put them here....

                Korean pop sensation Super Junior is coming to Malaysia this March for their Super   Show 2 concert..Huhu,nok gi..want to see Han Kyung and Sungmin live!

                   My dad actually bought this dvd without telling me.Why??Simple!So that i won't interrupt his news time (BOF is aired Mon-Fri 8.30 p.m.)Haha..

Me and Wa (bored!)

Bella and me (also bored!)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Malam Minggu :)

Hehe..Dina da buat da cite ni versi ye,meh aku plop yg buat versi aku ni..

Terkenang smule kesah2 lame kt le'best..huhu,damn i miss that school soo much!huhu..salah satunye mse tiap2 kli tibenye mlm minggu!haha..mse tu cite Nur Kasih xabih ag..ole krane xdop kje nk buat n nk release tension pas study,sek2 aku ni kuor la 1 idea bernas dimne nk g tgk tv kt umah tamu tu..alaa..umah cg.roniza dlu tu..hehe..idea n bkn sje bmaen di kpale kteorg tpi rmi ag bdk pompuan len yg rate2nye mmpunyai mnat yg sme!haha..nme pompuan kn..
Tpi 1 je prob nk msk umah tu,pintu dkunci!n kunci ade ngan pok guard..xkn la nk g mtok kn?da la mmg xley msk umah tu..soo,teke kteorg msuk kut mne??haha..kut tingkap!sume yg pi tgk mlm tu sumenye pnjt tingkap lake..hahaha..jgn xtau,bkn sek aku je wk kje gni,rmai ag yg join..smpi sesak lm umah tu!da la ade air-cond..kho la bes lyn cte..haha..dan xtviti n dteruskn smpi abis skool..byk2 mlm yg pling aku xley lupe bile mlm anugerah skrin ari tu!da la tngoh exam mse tu..mule2 igt xmo g tgk,tpi ats pjuk ryu sek2 ni,aku pown abis je myang ise mse tu terus lipt ken myang n berambuss g tgk!
Aku ni jenis yg xske pki sluor pnjg bile duk kt spnjg duk hostel,pkaian wjib tatkale xdop xtvti ialah tshirt n sluor 3suku (ye la,xkn nk pki sluor ats pale lutut kn..aku hrmat gop org len n undg2 asrma..cewwahh!haha)..mse on the way nk g umah tu,aku pk cm nk tuko pki sluor pjg sket....tpi gknye,akbat kemalasan mlnde jiwe mse tu,aku sauk je kaen batek yg duk tsidai kt ktil tu..haha,mse nk pjt tingkap tu mule la msloh muncul!da la tinggi,kerusi xdop..tpkse la aku memecat kaen batek tu..tinggal la sluor 3suku tu je..mjur xdop org laki mse tu..dan aku masih igt ag,mlm anugerah skrin tu,tingkap tmpt kteorg msuk tu nk tercabut!aku xau la spe pnye angkare,tau2 je da senggek..mne xnye,bduyun2 yg mri ekpown..haha,xpe..nnti cg baiki la tu.. bes klu dpt wat gitu ag..rindu sgguh!haha.. :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

24/7 Housewife

Anyonghaeseyo!!haha..actually,aku xdop idea pon npe nk tulih skunk ni..memandangkan keboringan mlande seantero umah ni,aku pun membzkan dri ngan tulih post ni..

Xtvti aku spnjg duk umah ni xla sberape ngat..antarenye ialah:
1.berhibernasi,tgk tv (mcm2 cite aku follow),mkn (best part)
2.kemas umah (when im tension,i'll clean up..then it mkes me feel btter)
3.congok dpn comp (pe ag,surf intnet la) mkn,besih kandang kucing2ku (9 eko da skunk)
5.ptg2 g buang lmok!wahaha..g erobik ah..
(lm proses nk trun spa 50kg ni)
dan xtvti ni akn diulang tyang tiap2 ari strusnye..mok xbg keje,ye tkot mri plok org hk ajk belakon ow kang,naye aku..bse la mok2 ni,ank pompuan xbg ane keje2 ni,sbb kt umah tu belana2 dh keje hk kne settlekn tpi aku ttp ngan sikap mls ag,agk bhye..zmn skunk ni,mcm2 org dh ade..
Lsen kte xwk ag..nk wk gne,dftr pon dopp!!haha..psm rma ngat ah,tkang wse..xpe ah,pah2 ni aku g ah..ookey la,spa kli ni je post ari ni..pye2 hk bke blog aku ni,jgn ah sgan silu nk comment plop ea..sgt dialu2kn..smbil2 tu kbo la pkmbangan trbru ea..sje je aku nk tau..papai!kamsahamnida..

Saturday, January 2, 2010

More Korean!lalala..

Azri n Little Chong
They wouldn't let me touch it!

It is not easy as it looks..haha

p/s:Boys Over Flowers were filmed here

Too hungry??

Wearing the Hanbok

The kimchi teacher (garang woo!)

Make kimchi at the Kimchi School

At the museum (forgot the name!)

Azri,my mom n me

In one of the Hanok!
At the Gyeongbokgung Museum

Our entire group tour!gler rmai

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010..a new life begins


-the last picture we're in skool-

-at the very last day at Le'Best-

-bbq nite (Shida's being lifted!)

-raye round 2-

-graduation XD-

-1st time wearin' the jacket (officially!)-

-ngoh,me,pqoh n dynn-

Hmm..many things happened in 2009..n i've learnt a lot too.Experiences can't be describe in words,so do memories..n yup,many memories i've had in being a skool girl,a student n most importantly,a freind.5 years in Le'Best makes me into the person i am now..may sound cheesy but,im not a girl n not yet a woman..n i wanna thanked to all whom had taught me the important things in life!

Ookeeyy!lets review the memories,shall we??Haha..mmg bnyk ah bnde yg aku xleh lupe spnjg kt skool ni..kalu wat list,smpai esok pun xabih!Aku windu time nk exam,nk2 mse nk trial ari tu..giler ah study..nk2 mse nk exam +math,xtido 1 mlm dbuatnye..windu time baloh ngan kak dewan mkn la..haha(kak tu yg kejam ye,sye bek!)..time 24jam asik ngan saem2 je tpi xpenah bosan(xtvt bsme saem2 ni tlmpau bnyk)..time lari dari Mr.Paley&Ustz Wan (haha!)sbb xpkai lencane,pkai slipar,g prep lewat n xpkai uniform yg spatutnye la tpi ttp bke lngkah sribu..time uruskn prom nite (sye lbey ske time n dri mlm tu sbnonye)..time graduation!gler bes,cm nk grad kt U je wse time tu,skool ciap wat kt Ri-Yaz Heritage ag..wahaha!glamer ah..time bbq ngan sume girls form5 (mlm tu sye mmg bek ngan kak dwan mkn)..mlm tu the 9musketeers wat mkn plak scre private kat tngah2 jln tmpt bas llu tu dmane ciap ade tikar,sejag air limau+ais,smgkuk aym bbg n sosej n sebtol besau sos cili tpat jam 11.30 mlm!tpi sket je yg ade,cuz rate2 knyg yg tramat dh..kre aku mkn utk round ke-2 ah ni,hehehe!..n last but not least,time sme2 study time SPM..gler bes,tiap2 ari ujan je mnjg..n time tu gk ah aku mule kwn ngan rmi org ag sbb skmo g nuntut ilmu ngan mreke..huhu,paling cdey..mse last day after paper chemistry ended,sbb mse tu kne bpisah ngan sume org..wif him,saem2 n cg2..huk3..but hey,that's life..we're meant to meet n so do bpisah kn..wahaha!eksen ayat!

Hmm..npe la sume org wat mse ni..ade yg g intview for scholarship,ade yg keje,wat lesen n xkrang jge yg jd bibik 24/7 kt umah..but me??speti bese,tv..comp..mkn..n xcercise!haha..aku pon xau gne aku ley trikut mak aku g erobik ni..tau2 je da bepeluh ikut instructor tu..haha..arap2 impian trcpai ah nk trun jdi 50kg ni..hmm,smpi cni je ah kli ni..papai!