Saturday, February 27, 2010

I'm A Loner

     Anyonghaeseyo!wahahaha..udah lame blog ku ini sunyi sepi tnpe crite2 bru..ikutkan,ade je crite2 mnarik yg bley ak buh..tpi..tau2 je la..kemalasan melande seantero diri ni..huhu..berckp sal crite2 bru..RESULT SPM UDAH MAU KUOR MAA!!!!11 MAC 2010 is the day..walau ape pon,xgune da nk menangis skang..bnde yg da lpas..bak kte2 mok ak 'org klu nok nangis,nangis sblom nok nangis pas pekse adop gune doh!' la kte2 mok ak tatkale sblom spm ari tu..ehm,ade btolnye..ak hnye perlu sntiase berdoa kpd Allah supaye dikurniakan kejayaan n bukannye kegagalan..

       Hehe..smlm,27th Feb,ak kuor bersame2 geng2 ak..haha..bes gilo,tpi sygnye ak blik awl..sbb kne gi psm la,ayh n mok ak ade kje la ptg xley la nk hang out lame2..rmi gop yg ade..anterenye:dina,wa,mek ngoh,pare,aimi,nasa,perry,eda,ayu,dayu n atin hani..mule2 ak smpi McD kt bando ow,ak terkial2 cri dina..ato msj kbo smpi doh..las2 ak gi la cri kt bus stand ow..upe2nye yeorg sume duk lepak lam bas Le'Best!adoi la..haha..ak pon ape ag..berlari ah gi sbb cuace agk pns skang..duk lm tu at least ley pekene aircond sedass..hehe,masuk2 bas upenya da rmi da duk lepak lm tu..dina siap membaham mcflurry agi..ak pon ape ag,msuk n start ah storytelling ak ngan mereke2 sume..bese la,da lme xjupe,mmg la byk nk cte..nk2 sek2 tu sume peseng cm ak blake,peseng bising!heehehe..

       Pas nunggu mek ngohs n dayu,kteorg pon stat gerakan utk melepak di McD!hehe..pgi2 nk mkn doh..xah pgi ane kan,lm kul 11.40 gtu ah..msuk2 ow,ak ternapok la abg ni,ye staff kt ctu ah..fuyyo!skali tgk sebijik cm Alex kumpulan U KISS ow..haha..ak xkelip pa tgk..abg tu pon stat la perasan ak syok kt la,mane2 ak pndg,ye mesti tgk ke ak..hehe..tpi lame2 bile ak tgk abg tu,upe2nye adop meh langsung ngan Alex tu!haddoi la..tu la..kemaruk ngat ngan K-Pop ni..xlme pas tu,my best bud,wa pon mri..ak pon ape agi..bising bango la kteorg buke crite msing2..dri topik lesen smpi la ke korean pop,abih kteorg sembang..suare jgn kte la,suare ak kuat skali!hehe..bru lawas bercakap..xgitu??mujur adop org terganggu ngan kepetahan kami berckp..


Aktiviti diteruskan ngan mek ngohs nok gi kt Pang,sbb nok bli contact lense..hee,ak ngan mek ngohs la antre yg suke tuko2 kaler mate..due2 rabun,due2 pkai contacts..mne2 kaler terbaru,kteorg try abis..tpi one at a time la,kang jdi membazir plop..mse ngohs pi Pang tu,ak,wa,dina lepak lam Vincci!hehe..sjuk sket,smbil2 tu nk cuci2 mate..mne la tau ade sale ke..ley la rembat spasang due..hehe..tpi ak memang kenang ke kasut flats ni..kaler brown,sequins all over it..fuh2!malangnye,hrge kat RM70 doww..hancuss hrpn..ak ade knang gok kt gladiator sandals ni..kaler itam..hrge xsilap lam RM 56 something la..hihhi..kalu result SPM comey,ak nk gi bli lalu ah blik tu..hrp2 comey..aminn ;)..after that,ayh ak mri..sbb ye mmg xblik dh pas ato ak gi amik adik ak tuisyen n then gi Al-Ikhsan,sje tgk2..adik ak mmg gtu..mnjdi kemestian melawat kdi tu tiap2 ari minggu ngan ayh ak..bkn ape pon,klu ade yg ye suke,ye suh ayh ak bli..klu x,skdr sentuh2 jersi aja!haha..

K hoping for Najiyah n her family mri umoh ak..bkn ape,lme doh xtgk adik ye yg kecik skali tu..nme An!memang kiut la..hehe..sape Najiyah ni??gini..mse ak gi turkey,die n her family satu rombongan ngan kteorg..slame 10 ari kt sne,ak kwn ah ngan ye..fmily ye ni ade 10 n kak ye je yg pompuan,yg lain hero2 blake..hehe.not to mention,abg n adik ye hot dow..abg ye muke cm Orlando Bloom!kih3..ak skmo je tgk abg ye ow..hahahahaah! duk KL tpi skmo je blik cni sbb ye org ganu gops..hrm,mlm ni ye blik doh..xpe ah..byk mse agi..

Ak sje2 wat grup SNSD versi Le'Best!hihi..tmpt Jessica msih kosong maa..ade spe2 intersted??contact me via FB..hehe

Ni time form 4,oleh krne ak mls nok slin list of homework,ak amik gmbo je!hehe..tulisan ak gok tu..

               Ni mase gi Johor time gathering..hee ;)


Monday, February 8, 2010

Bingeul Bingeul

              Anyonghaeseyo everyone!Fuhh..ntah psal ape la sjak due mnjak ni aku smakin kekurangan idea untk mengupdate blog ni..nak kate busy tak plak,aku hanye mengikat kontrak utk menjadi maid dengan mak aku je..emm,lately there's nothing or someone inspires me,that's worries,aku rse maybe kurang bersemangat nk tulis post sbb template aku yg agk uduss dlu tu..wakaka..mjur terjumpe template ni yg aku rse mmg jiwe ak..n then i added some finishing touches to make it more dazzling..wah3!!hasilnye..terconggok la video terbaru U KISS iaitu Bingeul Bingeul tu..wakaka..

Let's learn Korean!
                 1.I love you-Saranghaeyo
                 3.Yes! (when answering something)-Dehh
                 4.Brother (older)-Oppa
                 5.Sister (older)-Noona

             Yesterday,i went to Le'Best cuz all of the ex-Lebestians had to attend a talk on MGI which meant Malaysian German Institute.Basically,they want to share the benefits when studying there.Mcm2 la penceramah tu ckp..starting from what is MGI to the we all know,Germany is best known for a good place to pursue your engineering dreams cuz they have splendid universities n exciting courses as well as a whole new techniques to study..very2 different on how we study here..normally,we have to study at MGI for 20 months,n then go to Germany to learn their language for 6 months n after that we get to continue our studies in any of the universities there..the lecturers use 100% German language so don't expect u'll understand if u didn't learn how to speak like a true German!tpi aku dengar skit2 je la sbb xberape nk la,syok jumpe kwn2 lame la ktekn..mcm2 nk crite..dlm kte lain,kteorg buat cramah sndri kt blakang tu..wakaka..

Emm..talking about future plans,here are some of my interests in pursuing my studies:
                 1.Taking up Law cuz i want to be just like my father..
                      having a dad who's practically been in the judge field for his entire life,maybe its
                      a bit easy for me to get a work rite after i graduated..emm,who knows

                 2.Taking up TESL..
                      i love English language so started off when i was 7,my mom sent me to
                      Smart Reader to learn this language until i finished all of the levels..the benefit,
                      i can connect easily with foreign people for help

                 3.Taking up Interior Design
                      i started liking this passion when i was a teen,more like when i was 14 i think..
                      i love watching Deko Bersama Eric n soon after that,i love going to furniture shops
                      n imagine where to put all of the furnitures..i'm more into Modern Contemporary

                 4.Lastly..i think i wanna be just like my mom..she's a former MAS ticketing officer..
                    she's been working there rite after her SPM results were out..what i like about this
                     job is that u get to wear the official MAS kebaya uniform n get some unbelievable
                     bonus!that's why i've been to many countries already when i was little..
                     from 2 years old until 18 now,i've been to 13 countries already n some of it i went
                     on a free ticket n get paid half of the tickets..;)

I'm having major crush on him ;)-Kim Bum of U KISS

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Oppa Min Ho

Anyonghaeseyo!Da lame aku xupdate blog ni..nak kte busy,tak plak..kekurangan idea ngan malas worries,ari ni aku ade idea dan aku mahu kongsi ngan sume orang.Rite,memandangkan semenjak balik dari Korea ari tu aku jadi otomatik giler ke anything dari negare tu..skang da pandai da layan drama2 n lgu2 korean..haha..the result,aku da jdi peminat setie BOF n boyband yeorg termasuk la Super Junior,SHINee,U KISS n F.Cuz..;)

Ok..ade jgak benefit dri sume diatas..the result,aku da reti sket2 bahase korean ni..haha..:

2.Thanx-Kamsahamnida (formal)/Kumao (xformal)
3.Happy Birthday-Saengil Chukha Hamnida
4.Good morning-Anyonghijumushossoyo
5.Good nite-Anyonghijumuseyo
6. Sorry-Bianhe
7.How are you?-Chaljinaeshossoyo?
8.Good bye-Anyonghigaseyo

Haa..byk ni je la aku tulis..ade ag,post akn dtg aku buh ag..haha,ade aku blajo sket2 mse gi Korea ari tu,ade blajo ngan tengok drama n ade yg aku blajo kut internet..kui3

Latest news about me:
-Hmm..stil tiap2 sore gi aerobik (dewan kompleks belia,5.30 p.m.,perempuan shj)sape2 interested dtg la join..bwk RM3 n mat or kain batik (utk buat floor)
-Tiap2 hari melayan Cinderella Man
-.Bru suda pegi exam undng2 (giler ciput dapat,xpe ah,jnji lulus) n menunggu ari Sabtu ni for teori
-Mengajar my two small cousins (Bina n Danial) melukis,membace n mewarne!haha..ngan aku2 jdi budak tadika
-Cam bese la..melayan kerenah anak2 ku 9ekor tu..wakaka..Sungmin pandai doh wak muke kiut tiap2 malam kt tepi tingkap..nk suh ak bawak ye masuk la tu..haha,tak heran!!

N here some pictures:

The Azman's..wakakaka

Bina n Danial (my munchkins)

Manyak rindu sama yeorg!!!bile la nok mri trun KT ni??

Haha!lawo dop loker aku mse kt le'best dolu2??
ni hasil ku dikale kebosanan..mse ni tngoh mnat indie ag

Kua3!!oppa min ho..bile kte mau jumpa???;)
kekasih hati yg kini berada di sane..

K lah..sampai sini saje post kali ni..ade cite2 bru n aku rjin nk tulis,aku post ea..haha..anyong!

p/s:masih gilakan lagu Man Man Ha Ni & Ring Ding Dong..apa boley buat..